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Footstep Sounds component & Walking Dead interface - compatible?

edited December 2017 in Technical Q&A
I've switched over to the WD interface today and managed to get everything running smoothly
again - except the players footstep sounds.
I am using the Footstep Sounds script and it worked fine before, but now I'm not hearing the
footsteps any longer.

Is there something I need to switch over in AC Settings in order to get this working again?
The player is reassigned as the player and properly tagged as well btw.

Any idea?




  • Looks OK to me, and the FootstepSounds component doesn't rely on any Manager setting - it might be a red herring.  So it works again if you switch back to your previous Settings Manager?
  • Hi Chris, thanks for checking!

    I was watching one of your tutorials again last night and then I noticed that you were showing the
    default audio levels in the Settings manager.
    And that was it - the volume was turned to 0 for all audio groups. After turning SFX up I can now
    hear the clips again. Nice! :)

    Merry Christmas and thanks for your help!
    - Kay
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