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Enter actionlisteditor script

Hi guys,  is there way to accede actionlisteditor interaction script? Working with flowchart in my case it's really difficult and i would like to examine code to evaluate if i can do all by scripting.


  • ActionLists are comprised of multiple scripts rather than just one - each Action type is its own script file, which you can see listed in the Actions Manager.

    For info on how Action scripts are written, see this tutorial.  Essentially it's the "Run" function that does the actual work of an Action.  If you want to see how a particular Action works, just open its script and take a look at that.

    If you want to bypass Actions completely, you can set a Hotspot's Interaction source field to Custom Script - see this tutorial.
  • Good tutorial, it can be called also i side a visual actionlist? For example handle the movements and cameras via flowchart and dialogues inside scripts?
  • Sure, I don't see why not.
  • edited December 2017
    Hey Chris i find the command to zoom out so it's much easier to use flowchart. By the way a question on the fly, is it possible to change the speech animation within actionlisteditor, say something and then set again to the original one? And it's possible to make player say by default the dialogue option ?
  • Changing a character's speech animation is possible, but it depends on what your character's animation engine is.  The Dialogue: Play speech Action has animation options for some, but otherwise you can use the Character: Animate Action.  If you can provide more detail about your setup and needs I can try to give more clear help.

    A dialogue option can be assigned as the default provided that the Conversation is timed.  When the timer runs out, the default option is run - see the opening of the 3D Demo for an example.
  • edited December 2017
    Ok, assuming that for main character i'm not using sprite complex yet , i have the player say something after opening a book, so i have to animate the character to open a book and then say something with different speech animation that include book in hands, after that i have to play animation that close book and then return to default speech animation.

    Regarding dialogue option i did 3d tutorial, maybe i forgot this precise stuff, i'm going to see it again.
  • So to be clear: you're using Sprites Unity, then?

    If your character is a single sprite, then you'll have to supply a separate full-body talking animation when holding the book.

    Sprites Unity is favoured by 2D characters that consist of a single sprite, whereas Sprites Unity Complex is favoured by those that are made up of a different sprite for each body part (head, body, etc).

    Speech Actions in that mode allow you to set a per-line head/mouth animation directly within the Action.  Check Custom head animation?, and then supply an animation name + layer index number.

    That will, however, play on top of your standard talking animation, however.  You can change this "base" animation by using the Character: Animate Action and setting the Method to Set Standard.
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