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Pause menu only in specific scenes

This seems like a simple thing but I can't seem to find that option anywhere, and can't find anyone having this problem on forum. So the default Pause menu button from AC is called by hitting esc, but I want that to be possible only in specific scenes. How do I do that? is it possible to somehow define witch menus apply on witch scenes?


  • You can lock a Menu to prevent it from turning on even when it's "Appear type" condition is met.  This can be done either through the Menu: Change state Action, or through code:

    AC.PlayerMenus.GetMenuWithName ("Pause").isLocked = true;

    If you use Actions, you can automate this by using Scene Attributes, which you can define in the Scene Manager.  An "Is Pause locked" boolean attritbute could then be read using the Scene: Check attribute Action, and it would then lock/unlock the Menu accordingly through subsequent Menu: Change state Actions.
  • Thanks Chris.
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