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Removing rollover text for Inventory items?

Is there a way to NOT have roll over text display for Inventory items?  
Im assuming inventory is treated the same as Hotspots, which currently has text appear at the cursor when you roll over them.   I want this behavior for the in world hotspots, but not for my inventory items.



  • Is the Inventory menu set to appear when hovering over with the mouse?

    You could give it an ActionList when turn on asset file that uses the Menu: Change state Action to lock the Hotspot menu, preventing it from showing.  And vice-versa when turning off.

    Otherwise, you could do it by a simple custom script that checks if the mouse is over the Hotspot or not.  What does it look like, exactly?

    Then again, you might be able to get away with just entering in a space " " character for each item's Label (if not name) field - if you don't want the names to ever show.
  • Using a space " " works perfectly for my needs!
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