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Climbing Stairs

edited August 2014 in Technical Q&A
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know what's the best way to approach climbing stairs for the player character in a 3D third-person point and click setting with Unity navigation?



  • I simply create a slope walk mesh. I'm also considering creating cutscenes for stairs and animating the characetr walking up them.
  • I thought I'd necropost this instead of creating a new topic... So, has anyone implemented stair climbing?

    Everything I try looks bad. With gravity on, as if gravity pulls the player character down (slow ascending, fast descending). With gravity off (ie, "ignore gravity" turned on), on the other hand, the player character randomly elevates and floats in mid-air while climbing the stairs.

    Any clues?
  • If your game uses Direct control, you can use the Character: Move along path Action to lock the player's movement to a pre-defined Path.

    You could also try having an invisible "ceiling" collider to stop the character moving too far off the ground.
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