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Mobile Phone Menu get Input from AC

edited August 2014 in Technical Q&A

after the player puts in an "Input" how would I get what text/number they put in either through script or to run an action.

I have a menu title, and an input box to input some numbers, then a button to acknowledge. Once the button is pressed I want to read which numbers was put in the text/input box, afterwards I will run either a custom script or a PlayMaker state with the inputed value.



  • edited August 2014
    Here is what I have so far (and I'm still missing some brains behind it... trying to pinpoint how to get the input value xD) 

            public static void OnElementClick (Menu _menu, MenuElement _element, int _slot, int _buttonPressed)
    //            Debug.Log (_element.GetType().Name); // for debug purposes only
                if(_element.GetType().Name == "MenuCycle")
                MenuCycle _cycle = (MenuCycle) _element;
                Debug.Log ("Chosen option is " + _cycle.selected); // this is which option
                Debug.Log ("The current text is " + _cycle.optionsArray [_cycle.selected]); // the text if needed...
                Debug.Log ("kz cycle name: " +; // doesnt say...
                Debug.Log ("kz : " + _cycle.label); // nope
                Debug.Log ("kz : " + _cycle.title); // it says the cycle element name which is: kzCycle sweet
                // This function is called whenever a clickable element has a click type of "Custom Script".

                else if (_element.GetType().Name == "MenuButton")
                    MenuButton _button = (MenuButton) _element;
                    Debug.Log ("Button Title is: " + _button.title); // the element name
                    Debug.Log ("Button simulate value: " + _button.simulateInput); // says Button    
                    Debug.Log ("Button name is: " +; // is blank
                    Debug.Log ("ButtonPressed int? : " + _buttonPressed); // shows int 1
                    Debug.Log ("Slot? : " + _slot); // shows slot 0

    For some reason I think this "  'Enter' key's linked Button: " has something to do with what I'm missing, I tried entering the buttons element name in that text field and hoped once it was pressed the value would show in the debug above, but still coming out empty handed.

  • thanks that has cleared things up a bit, i will let you know if i run into any other issues. 
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