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Creating directory system in menu.

How can programming menu like in this picture?
How create 3 feature:
1) I want after interacting with hotspot in game, in this menu added next button "Text 05". After next hotspot - added "Text 06" and so on.

2) In menu, for example, if click on "Text 03" in right window will show some text for "Text 03", or image or something else.

3) Scrolling buttons "Text ..." in left window by clicking on top or down arrow.

Please help me understand, how can create this?
Than you!


  • You should be able to fake this effect by using items and an inventory box (with the respective left and right arrow buttons, in this case to look like up and down) and a regular Label element. 

    First, you will need to create two item categories, one for your 'regular' items and one just for your 'Text' items, you will also need to create a "string" property and name it Description (you can do these two steps in the Inventory Manager tab). Now, every item will have a description property you can fill out.

    Then create a new menu which has an inventory box (set to vertical and with as many slots as you need to fill the left side of the window). Then set the inventory box Display field to Text Only. Then tick Limit By Category and select the category you just made for your text items. Finally add a label and change its Label Type to Inventory Property, then select Description and the Inventory Item Source to Selected Item. 

    Now, all you have to do is create some items, set them to your 'Text' item category and fill out the Description field. 

    Because they are just items you can go ahead and "add" or "remove" them when the player presses a button or does whatever else you can imagine.

    You will also need to make sure the inventory box in your regular inventory uses "Limit by category" set to your ''Relugar' items category.
  • Alverik, Thank you! It`s really work!
    I am learning and your help is very helpful. Very grateful to you for it.

    And one more question about it.
    If I have a lot of slots in inventory box, how can drag them and how to turn off the visibility of those that go outside of the window?
    Thank you!
  • Do you mean to ask about what happens to items not currently visible in the menu?? There are only ever as many slots as you define in the inventorybox settings. There's never going to be anything above or below the menu, when you press an inventory shift button, AC unloads any items that are not visible. Also, InventoryBox elements by default disable empty slots. 

    But maybe I'm not understanding you? Do you mean to ask how to hide items if the player drags them from the inventory using the mouse cursor?

    Anyway, to allow the player to reorder items in any inventory go to the Settings Manager and look under Inventory settings, then tick 'Items can be re-ordered in Menu?'.
  • I'll try to explain.
    For example in game there 20 slots with "Text...".
    But player could see, for example, only 8 slots with "Text ..." in left window and if he need see another "Text ...", like "Text 15", or "Text 19", he must scroll left window. How is it created?

    And I have another question.
    For example this menu is 1st page. How can switch to 2nd page where will another slots or images and buttons?
    Thank you!
  • edited April 2017
    You already have the Up and down buttons don't you. All you have to do is go to each button's settings. Look for the Click Type and select Offset Element Slot. Type the name of you inventorybox element into the Element To Affect field. Finally choose the Offset Type to either Shift Left or Shift Right. Don't left the names confuse you. They are basically Shift Back and Shift Forward. So, in this case your up arrow will be the Shift Left, and your bottom arrow will be your Shift Right.

    For your last question. Unfortunately AC UI doesn't support Tabbing (like I imagine you are thinking of). You can do that with Unity GUI though (which can be connected to AC). Though you can simply fake it too by simply switching menus (ie: have a menu for Page 1, another for page 2). But, I've noticed your intention might be more in the style of a Journal, in which case you could simply take a look at the Journal menu element, which already allows to have several pages of text.
  • Thank you! Last question.
    I understood how to setup arrow button, but in label don`t show descriptions from elements in inventory box.

    If I have this setting:

    Label type "Inventory Property"
    Inventory item source "Selected Item"

    When I chose "Text ...", in label didn`t show description and arrow buttons don`t work.

    If I setup Label like this:
    Label type "Inventory Property"
    Inventory item source "Last Clicked Item"

    When I chose "Text...", in label show description but arrow buttons doesn`t work anyway.

    P.S. I tried to make two different menu for Page 1 and Page 2, and switching them. It`s working, but has transition about 0.5 sec.
  • A few screenshots of your Menu settings, Buttons and Label settings would help a lot here.
     Also, you can disable a menu's transition effect by changing the Transition Type to None in the menu's settings.
  • It may be that your items are getting selected as active inventory items when clicked - which I'm assuming you don't want because you're using the inventory system as a workaround for what you want.

    Try giving each item a common "Use interaction" that has nothing but an Engine: Wait Action of 0s.  This will prevent an item becoming selected when clicking it, but won't have any other noticeable effect.
  • Alverik and Chris, thank you! Sorry me, I think I took a lot of your time.
    Now I did menu without switching. I`ll try to understand with it.
    Thank you for your helping, you very help me!
    I hope for your support in the future!
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