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freezing player when speaking

Before Player starts a Dialog:Play speech I have to freeze him (Engine:Manager system Player disable) then after the speech I have re enable the Player with another Engine Manager system otherwise the dialog fluctuates  on screen .

Isn't there an easier way?


  • Please provide more detail when asking questions:
    • What do you mean by "the dialog fluctuates", exactly?  How are you displaying it?
    • How does your player move normally?

    Depending on your movement method, ensuring that the ActionList that runs the speech has its When running field set to Pause Gameplay should be enough.  However, you can also use the Character: Move along path Action to stop them from moving.

  • Before asking questions I look in the Technical Q&A Forum and if I find nothing then I ask. Fluctuates, flickers, is jittery, one cannot read the dialog on screen. I applied Pause Gameplay and it work,  thanks
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