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Read content of a menu element of type Input


how can I read out the content of an Input type menu element? I want to make up a debug menu where I can switch to a scene by typing the scene name into an input field and then run a connected ActionList. I tried to do it via ActionList parameters, but AC tells me that only integers can be used as parameters in the menu inspector.


  • Just found out that I can use "Variable: Set" Action to get the content into a string variable, but the "Scene: Switch" Action does not support parameters or variables.

    @Chris: Is it possible to make the "Scene: Switch" Action compatible with variables or parameters instead of only entered text in the future?
  • Be sure to use the latest AC version.  Scene: Switch accepts both string parameters for scene names, and integer parameters for scene numbers.
  • I currently use 1.55c. I think I don't understand something. I have a menu element of type Input and I run an ActionList from within the menu. With the "Variable: Set" Action I am able to get the typed-in text into a global string variable. But I don't know how to get the content of the global variable into the "Scene: Switch" Action. It's true, that this Action works with a parameter of type "String", but how do I get the text inside the global variable into this string that can be used with the "Scene: Switch" Action?
  • Oh, I see. No, you can't currently do that.  Extending the ActionList: Set parameter to allow such conversions may be something worth doing, however.  In the meantime, you'll have to use a series of Variable: Check Actions to cause the correct Scene: Switch Action to run.
  • Maybe expanding the Scene: Switch Action to support global variables for both numbers and names would be a cool thing. Using Variable: Check for the 73 scenes in our game would be a bit of an overkill atm.
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