I changed the Aspect ratio in the projects I am working with and AC crashed . The AC menu on the top of Unity disappeared and for the life of me I can't make it re appear. I have re imported AC, even deleted AC and re- loaded and import it but the AdventureCreator Menu on top of Unity does not want to appear, needless to say my project shows now zillions of compiler errors. I have other projects and they all act normally with AdentureCreator dazzling displayed. How can I force AC to display?
If Unity has a compiler problem, it will remove any added-on editors such as AC until the issue is fixed. It may be that the issue is with Unity instead.
Since this was a running projects (for weeks now) it had all kinds of AC related scripts, hundreds of them and they all come up when the project comes up therefore I cannot correct script errors. It's the typical what comes first the hen or the egg. Try to remove AC from an existing project and it will report countless script errors.
I solved it by creating a new project download/import AC and copying all assets from the original troubled project. After a few minor corrections I have it working,