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Camera preview stopped working

Hey folks,

since some time I don't see any camera previews in the editor. There is only the sky visible but no level geometry. I don't know when exactly it stopped working and why. Maybe it stopped working by one of the many times I crashed my machine by switching platforms. Did anyone else discover such behaviour? And do someone have a hint where to look to get the camera preview working again?



  • As in the lower-right box showing the camera's view in the Scene window?  Which camera are you trying to preview?  Try expanding or enabling that camera's component in the Inspector.
  • The preview window in the bottom right corner is visible. When I collapse the camera component the preview window disappears and reappaers when I expand it again. It happens with all kind of camera types. It's quite hard to get the right angels if you have to start the game everytime to see where the camera looks. Here's a screenshot to show how it looks like:
  • edited January 2017
    Hard to say, as that's a Unity feature not an AC one. As far as I know you'll only get the preview for the selected camera, and only for as along as it stays selected. Usually, in a non AC scene you could just keep the scene view and the play window side by side to see the main camera's output. But AC does allow you to put a lot of other cameras for camera work, which are not reflected by the actual main camera until play mode starts (same thing will happen for many regular Unity scenes though). I don't really see an automatic way to solve this issue...

    in Unity's top tool menus, in the gameobject's menu, you can find "align with view" and "align view to selected" which could help you a bit in checking the "view" of a camera within the scene view (or to quickly change your camera's view to whatever you're seeing in the scene view).
  • Got it! In the "Edit" menu in the submenu "Graphics Emulation" there was "OpenGL ES 2.0" selected. I changed it to "No Emulation" and I have my camera preview back. Hooray! Thanks for your help. Until next time I mess up something...
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