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Why the 43487 files under unity/library/ShaderCache

Finally I wanted to send one of the
games I  developed with Unity/AC which I called “Adventure Game”,
to my grandchildren and I used inno Seup 5 to assemble

First I built it in Unity and then I
run the inno wizard and here my surprise came.

It took almost 2 hours to compile the
script file to install my game and why? Because it finds under
Adventure Game\Library\ShaderCache 16 folders with a total of 43487
files inside which took over 45' to handle them. Naturally when inno
Setup produced the installation files and finally I could install my
Adventure Game as a user it took almost 50' to do it because of those
extravagant files .

I asked sometime ago here in this Forum
the reason for the existence of these files and all I got was that
maybe Unity needs them.

I realize that this must be a Unity
question but I am trying to install an AC game developed with your
software and it makes unbearably pointless to even consider it.

And yet there are thousands of games
being installed as I see them at this Forum and it is not possible
that I hear no complaints; ergo it must be my

comments would be greatly appreciated


  • edited January 2017
    You want to build your executable in a folder outside your Unity project, preferably in a dedicated one, which should only contain the actual executable plus a single folder with the "_Data" postfix and a number of dll, resource and asset files inside that folder once the build is complete, especially if you're planning to use the inno wizard for creating an installer.

    All the stuff in library/shadercache is just files used internally by Unity during development.

    Hope this made things a bit clearer - the official docs at are actually a bit vague on this point.

  • edited January 2017
    If you're on Windows, here's the complete list of files which would need to be distributed from a build of a project containing a single scene:

    ./TestBuild_Data/Resources/unity default resources
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