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NPC Hotspot

I have setup a NPC with the wizard. In my Game i am using Direct Controls. T
he Hotspot on the NPC is not showing up the yellow cube and the setting "Draw Yellow Cube" dont do anything. Normal Hotspots are working fine. 
The problem is: It is hard to click on the NPC. Sometimes it doesnt show up directly the options on mouseover. Tried to make the Collider of the NPC bigger but didnt help. Parenting the Hotspot to NPC and me the box bigger didnt also help. Do i have to change any layer or something?
Also the PlayerVincity Option isnt working as expected. In direct control it would be cool if i can talk to any npc if i am near to him or interact with hotspots. 


  • edited December 2016
    Ok i figured out that the Direct Control with setting the InputMethod to "Mouse and Keyboard" is the problem. If i set it to "Keyboard and Controller" its working with two Inputs -> Interaction A & B. Is it possible to use a combination of both? And how do i map for example "TalkTo", "Use" and "Examine" to the keys? 
  • Please post separate issues in separate threads.  Are you working in 2D or 3D?  You will need to post screenshots of your NPC's Inspector, and Settings Manager, to help further.

    Mapping keys to interactions will depend on your chosen Interaction method.  Are you using Context Sensitive like the 3D Demo, or Choose Hotspot Then Interactive like the 2D Demo?  Again, screenshots will make it easier to help.
  • edited December 2016
    Sorry will post in a serparte Thread in future. I am working in 3D, Direct Control lika GTA. Currently i am using Context Sensitive. 
    Here are the Screen Shots: 
  • I was meaning the full Inspector of the NPC GameObject - not just the NPC component.  Where is their Collider and Hotstpot?

    If you are using Context Sensitive mode, then Use/Talk to etc will all be mapped to the "InteractionA" input, while Examine will be mapped to "InteractionB".  I don't know what you mean by "combination of both" - please re-phrase your issues clearly with screenshots to illustrate the exact problems.

    If you're using Player Vicinity to detect your Hotspots, you also have to factor in the size and location of your Player's Hotspot detector.  You should go over this tutorial if you haven't seen it.
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