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Expanded from Zip; Fail to load window layout; missing AC

I have been saving copies of my project as ZIP archives (OSX 10.9.5; Unity 5.4.3f1, AC 1.51a) and sometimes when I try and restore, Unity has an error opening the restored project (Failed to load window layout).  If I continue, it seems to have lost Adventure Creator, connections to scripts, prefabs, etc.

I've been trying a few things to recreate it but cant seem to reproduce the full process.
Any reasons why the layout might get lost?


  • I believe this is more of a Unity issue rather than one specific to AC, but Unity prefers assets to be bundled up via .unitypackage files, rather than .zip files.  You can do this by selecting your Assets folder in the Project window, then choosing Edit -> Export package in the top toolbar.
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