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Change walking sound on the fly?

edited August 2014 in Technical Q&A
Hey, is it possible to change the walking / run sound of the character?
I wanted different sounds, based on the surface the character is walking.


  • Good question. I was going to ask this myself because I don't see the option anywhere. I would think it would be added by now because there aren't many adventure games
    where you would use the same footstep sounds throughout. While I could probably get away with using the same sound on solid surfaces, if the player switches to grass or carpet (which will happen I just haven't gotten there yet) it's just not going to work.

    Save us Chris!
  • For any changes to the player, whether it's new footsteps or something else, you can solve it with player switching. Create a copy of your current player in the Resources and make your changes. Then allow Player Switching in the Settings manager, check that inventory should be shared and use the Player: Switch action when you want new footsteps, clothes etc.

    If you want to change footsteps when going from a street onto grass for example, you could place a trigger where the grass starts and implement the Player: Switch function in it.
  • Well but I would consider this more like a workaround. If you have bigger worlds you need like 30-100 different Players for switching. I don't think thats a "best practice" solution.
  • No need to resort to Player switching (though I like the ingenuity!) - you can simply use the Character: Animate Action, and choosing the Set standard method.

    The process of changing sound varies a little depending on what animation engine you use.  For Legacy and Sprites, you can simply set Change to Walk or Run, and then you'll have the option to change the sound clip.  If you're using Mecanim, you can change the name of the "speed" parameter, so that a different set of movement animations - with different sounds attached through AnimationEvents - is played instead.
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