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[BUG] ActionAnimChar does not support custom AnimationEngine


I'm trying to build my own animation engine, but it seems that I cannot control it through the Action "Character -> Animate".

I believe the problem lies in ActionCharAnim#ResetAnimationEngine method, which does not handle the case in which the input parameter animationEngine equals AnimationEngine.Custom. In that case, I think that the local string variable classname should be set to animChar.customAnimationClass. I didn't investigate whether this is the optimal way to retrieve such information.

Here are the previous steps that I made:
  • Created my custom Animation Engine "AnimEngine_FooBar" as subclass of AnimEngine
  • Created a GameObject with the script Player attached, set "Script Name" to "AnimEngine_FooBar" and added it into the Resources folder
  • Created an Interaction and added an Action of type Character -> Animate. What happens is that the following warning appears in the Action details: "This Action requires a Character before more options will show"

Thank you,



  • Thank you, clear steps and details - I'll go over this and correct this should this be the case.
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