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Highlight works fine on OS X but not on Windows 10


First of all, AC is amazing. It's so easy and fun to work with. Thanks!

I'm using highlight object when moving the cursor over a hotspot. It works (when running the game in editor) fine on OS X. But when running the exact same game on Windows 10 it's simply not highlighting.

What could be happening?


  • Welcome to the community, @Lukas.

    Does the 3D Demo also suffer from the same problem for you?  It may be a rendering issue due to your graphics card or perhaps even a change made by Unity.  The Highlight script which handles object brightening works by modifying the main colour of whatever shader the object has.

    If you're using a shader with which this is not compatible (or, again, if a graphics card / Unity rendering issue is causing trouble), you can write a custom script that modifies the shader in whichever way you like: the desired intensity of the highlight effect can be read from the Highlight script's GetHighlightIntensity() function, and it's Inspector also allows for custom events to be called when the highlight effect begins and ends.
  • Thanks Chris.

    The highlight in the 3D Demo works fine on my windows machine. My own game is 2D though.

    I'm not a very experienced coder, but I'll look into your suggestion.
  • It may be the sprite shader, in that case - I expect it'll work if you replace your sprite's shader with Sprites Diffuse rather than Sprites Default.
  • Ah yes, that makes a difference. But now my sprite is dark unless I light it. I'll look into it later, at least I know what the problem is. Thanks again.
  • By the way, the highlight works fine on both machines in a WebGL build. So I guess it's not really an issue and only happening in the editor on one of my workmachines. Just so you know :)
  • Good to hear, thanks for the update!
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