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Player entering name

O, it's 1 of 3 things...
It's late..
I'm an idiot..
Or instructions are not totally clear to a newbie to AC...

(Let's be nice and go with the 1st one, then n oone is to blame!)

Ok, so I am following Enter the player name.
I do the step by step but then you say 
"When we wish to turn on the Menu, we can use another Menu: Change state Action in a Cutscene:"

However I do not see where it calls the cutscene? I was thinking this would work like a player hits NEW GAME and then the ENTER NAME box would pop up then after they hit SUBMIT (or OK in your example) it would load the first scene.
I knwo the box works, I forced it to pop up once but no idea hwo to get it to work like I explained above..


  • edited August 2016
    Well, just think of it this way... You are making a menu and like any menu you can use it whenever you want. 

    Basically you are just making a menu with a box for player input and a button which has an actionlist set to run to save said information. 

    If you make any type of AC Button you will notice that Run actionlist appears in the list of possible actions to take (for when button is clicked). But returning to my words from before... it's just a menu. If you wanted to show that particular behavior you mentioned you would just make a blank scene (maybe with just a background image setup in a GUI or just a black color as background), then you you would wait a few seconds (Using Engine:wait), then you would just open that menu. 

    Then to finalize and change scenes you could do two things: either put the code to wait another 2 or 3 seconds and change levels right inside the same button (just right after you have captured the player name), or you could put the same code in another actionlist and set is in the To do when close Actionlist slot (which all menus posses, you'll find that in the menus manager). 

    Note, though, that I'm away from my PC and I'm not sure if I'm giving you the proper names of the actions and stuff, but it shouldn't be too hard to find them. Make sure to read the manual properly too, specially the list of actions, it's invaluable to know what AC can manage out of the box.
  • It's also important to note that "Cutscene" and "ActionList" are largely interchangeable.  Any asset or GameObject that contains Actions can be used to turn the Menu on.

    When specifically do you want to turn it on?
  • Thanks Alverik.
    I am trying to follow along but since I just purchased this and have only had 24hrs with it it gets confusing.
    I understand the idea behind it but the implementation is the problem. It won't let me swap the custscene with the actionlist. If I hit NEW GAME and in that button run actionlist I select NAME  cutscene nothing happens. I know the cutscene works, I entered it on the titlescreen as an action and it opens up on top of the title menu. 
    I just need to get it to open up when I hit NEW GAME, then after I hit submit and the name is stored in my variable i set up it loads the intro (or test in my case) scene.
  • Just so we're clear from your wording, you're saying you have a scene-based Cutscene with the Actions you want to run, but can't run it directly from the Button, correct?

    As a Button exists in the Menu, and the Menu can appear in any scene, a Button cannot call a scene-based Cutscene directly - it must run an ActionList asset instead.

    However, an ActionList asset file can trigger a Cutscene - just create an ActionList: Run Action inside it and set the Source field to In Scene.  You'll then be provided with a field to assign the Cutscene into.  When you do, the Cutscene will be assigned a Constant ID number, which will allow the asset file to find it when you re-open the scene / Unity.
  • I was following the directions that say 
    "When we wish to turn on the Menu, we can use another Menu: Change state Action in a Cutscene:"

    but you don't say where to put this or how to call it.
    When new game is pressed, this enter name variable button thing should be called on. 

    Next, create a Menu: Change state Action, set the Change type to Turn Off Menu, and enter "PlayerName" as the Menu to turn on.

    We need to call this Menu ActionList when the Button is clicked, so go back to the Menu Manager, and set the Button's Click type to Run Action List, and set the ActionList to run as "Store Player name".

    When we wish to turn on the Menu, we can use another Menu: Change state Action in a Cutscene:

  • (Sorry if I am not clear, or if you are very clear and I'm not understanding it...)
    I followed step by step, the only thing I am lost on your tutorial is the last step above.
    You have call it from a cutscene but you never say where to put this cutscene, what to name it.
    The next step after that is showing how you can use the %var thing to use the input name in dialogue.
    Is this an old tutorial?
  • edited August 2016
    My guess, is that it's not expressly mentioned in the tutorial because the tutorial takes into account that you've already come to grips with AC basics... 

    You'll have to create an OnStart cutscene for your scene (in the scene manager there a list of actionlist to set, you can also hit the "Create" button which will create an onstart cutscene for you so you can fill it out with actions...

    But, my best advice here would be for you to take your time and watch all of the video tutorials and give a proper read to the whole manual. The text tutorials are more supplemental, more in depth sources of information, but it's usually easier to start with the video tutorials and see things with your own eyes. Also, do watch all of the videos, don't dismiss the ones that don't target your intended graphics, because all of the videos teach different aspects of AC which are general knowledge and can be used in any project.

    AC, like many other of the best unity assets, is very extensive. There's lots of stuff you can do with it. And so, it does take a while to learn to use it well. So it's best to start from the ground up and get to understand the basics first (it did take me a while too, and I still keep learning new stuff every other day... it's just that extensive).
  • edited August 2016
    That it mentions "Cutscene" specifically is perhaps the issue - an ActionList asset, Interaction, Trigger or Dialogue Option can also perform this.

    The point it's trying to make is that you can bring up the Menu with a Menu: Change state Action at any time you choose - but when that Action is run is up to you, as each user has different needs.

    If you simply want to test it out, use the Scene Manager to create a new Cutscene - it doesn't matter what its name is, or if it's assigned in your "On start" field - and place the Action in.  Then when your scene is running, select the Cutscene, view its Inspector and click Run now.

    As the tutorial involves several aspects of AC, including Menus, Variables, and ActionLists, I'll admit it does assume the user has a working knowledge of these indiviually beforehand.  As @Alverik suggests, it's recommended to go over the video tutorials if you're just getting started, as they'll provide a good working knowledge while the text tutorials give more detail in to specific topics.
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