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Download of Speech Files

Hi me again =)
we want to ship our game in the future with different languages and many speech files. For mobile this can up with many gb if you have maybe for example 3 languages. Is would be nice to give the player the option to download the language files. i think the assets be saved outside anywhere in a unity cache folder if you have a build. is it possible to reference this via AC? maybe you have any suggestions for a soltution that works best with AC?


  • You probably want to look into Asset Bundles.  AC has two options when it comes to linking speech files to speech lines - automatically by naming convention within the Resources folder, and manually assigning the files with lines within the Speech Manager.

    I could be wrong, but I don't think loading an asset bundle in your game will cause them to be "visible" to the Resources.Load function.  The more reliable (but more script-dependent) method would probably be to go down the manual route, but write a script that links audio to lines through script at runtime.

    At runtime, speech line data is stored within the RuntimeLanguages script, which can be accessed with:


    Inside you can see the "lines" List that stores the speech data, though you'll have to make it public in order to modify it with a custom script.  Basically, each speech line is an instance of the SpeechLine class, and within that is customTranslationAudioClips, a List of AudioClips that represents the various audio clips that the line can have (one for each language).  A custom script would be able to modify this List at runtime, and assign new AudioClips based on the SpeechLine's unique lineID number.
  • I cannot enough thank you for helping me and your great AC =)
  • You're welcome!  Reviews are always appreciated :)
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