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set up scene in space?

edited July 2014 in Technical Q&A
I have a simple question cose i have some problem seting up a space scene. I want that the character move with out gravity. Like the movie grabity the main character has to repairs some stuff out the capsule.
Any idea to set up or make something like that?


  • The information you have provided is little to none.

    Will your player be using a navmesh? unity nav?

    Does your game have a floor?

    Are you using any other kit besides AC?

    What mechanics do you need in your game?

    These are questions that need answering before you even get into this. With that said, this kit is mainly made for point and click type games, so to adapt that into a scifi gravity clone, here is a scenario i can provide as a framework::

    *Game starts--->Cutscene--->Player walks to door--->Player enters space--->Player gets tool from container--->Player goes to damage area--->Player applies tool to area--->Player has fixed the area--->Player moves to next area--->Player needs new tool--->Gets tool--->Repairs area--->Tool breaks--->Repairs tool--->Fixes area--->Game over...

    That setup is basically what i gathered from what your initial message was, so in that regard yes you can create that game with this kit. If you are wanting to fly around in booster jetpacks and repaid a space vessel thats damaged then you might want to look elsewere or extend the kit. 

    Alteratively, you can turn off certain components of the kit, and just another kit along side it.

    Hope this helps
  • The easiest way to do this that I can think of is to build the scene as you would if it were a character walking on earth, but instead the idle and walking animations are of him floating, then extend the navmesh across the entire scene so he can move everywhere, and increase the character's acceleration and deceleration values on the player script to mimic the gliding motion you experience in zero G.

    That should give you the basics. Good luck!
  • Sorry about my bad explanation. Mybe with a example it will be better. here is a gameplay of the Dig i want something like in min 5 but in 3d.
    I´m only using AC. And about the nav mesh and the floor, is one of the question. Do i need a floor or navmesh?
    For what is the option gravity on the player script?
    I was thinking of the traslation of the character with cutscenes something like you click on the door, and some animation fly to the door or other part. But i want it more fluid,
  • This largely depends on your game's perspective.  Are you working in 2D or 3D?
  • 3d game point and click
  • You can use the Path prefab to do this.  Paths were made to describe specific routes for Characters to take (e.g during Cutscenes), but if a Path has no waypoints (or "nodes"), they can act like Markers.

    Create a new Path prefab, from the Scene Manager, and move it to where you would normally place a Marker (i.e. in front of a Hotspot).  Within it's Inspector, check Override gravity?  Now you can make the Player float there by using the Character: Move along path Action.  This feature was intended for effects like birds flying around a scene, but you can use it to make your Player to float to places as well.
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