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Clicking outside of NavMesh will make character try to walk there

As the title suggests, I have created a NavMesh using a few NavMesh segments, I placed some Static Obstacles and baked the NavMesh. It looks correct and works, as long as I click on areas that are within the NavMesh. But when I click somewhere else - namely, where the baked NavMesh doesn't reach but the NavMesh Segments are, the player will walk there. See the pictures below, where clicking underneath the table will make the player walk there.

I placed some Collision Cubes to prevent this, but the player just keeps walking onto them.

What can I do to improve the situation? Thank you!





  • CollisionCubes won't improve the situation, they'll only further prevent the player from being able to reach his target.

    So the NavMeshSegements act as the "click point" for the player as well as dictate the shape of the baked NavMesh.  You want the two to be as similar in shape as possible, and there's a couple of ways you can do this:

    1) Reduce the Agent Radius setting in the Navigation window to have the baked NavMesh stick more closely to the shape of the NavMeshSegments.
    2) Use a custom mesh for the shape of your walkable-area and rely on Mesh Collider pathfinding instead - this is how the 3D demo works, incidentally.
  • Once again, thank you so much for your help Chris!
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