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Animate cursor with animator

Hi, Is there a way to animate the cursor using the animator scale rather than sprite sheet?



  • You could if you did it with a custom cursor script - otherwise, a sprite sheet is required.
  • Hi, where would I attach a script too to animate the cursor? I am simply looking to rotate it.

  • The standard AC cursor is not a physical GameObject that scripts can be attached to.  You can, however, disable the cursor's visibility in the Cursor Manager and write a script that places a GameObject in the scene according to where AC wants it to be.

    Included in AC is the "World Space Cursor Example" script, which will cause a GameObject to move in the scene according to the mouse position - you can use this as the starting point for a new script that moves your own sprite in screen-space.
  • Great thanks, will give this a try
  • Hi Chris, so i would create an animated new cursor prefab and attach this script to it for example?

  • Is there an easy way to make the cursor flash through colours on a loop?

  • Through a custom script, or attach an Animator to the prefab and animate the colours with an animation.
  • edited August 2016
    Thanks, ands sorry for the confusion but in the WorldSpaceCursorExample.cs where you say "add it to a mesh object you wish to act as the cursor"  - where do I find the Mesh Object, to add to my Hiereachy  is this just a Game Object with a mesh renderer attached?

  • Any mesh in your scene - try it with a standard Cube to see its effect.
  • Even for a 2d game?
  • A sprite, then.  My point is that you attach it to a visual object so you can see where it is when it moves.
  • Ok thanks Chris
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