Hi there, I am using Unity 5.3.1 and AC 1.51B. I checked the bug fixes for AC Version C and D but I can't find this one in the notes.
So I created a big 6 minute during cutscene. In this scene(s) are different NPC's and a player prefab that is spawned and switched (I have three players in the AC settings). An important thing to notice is that the Camera is set to 3D in the AC settings BUT in one scene I use a 2.5D camera created with AC which btw works fine with the 3D settings on.
Now to the point: when I play the cutscene, in scene number 5 (the 2.5D scene) my npc works fine, he walks to the right marker, does his dialog but THEN gets STUCK. I hear the footstepsounds but he isn't walking anymore. There is no way as far as I can see that I did something wrong in the ActionList. I just use the same actions as I always use. Here comes the strange thing: if I restart the scene. no problem! He walks fine, also after his dialog. So I figured this must be a bug. The same thing happened one time with my player in this same scene, just out of nowhere getting stuck. If I restart the whole cutscene again: no problem, it works.
Yesterday I made a build of the project and the same problem persists: The npc stops walking in cutscene nr. 5. When I restart the cutscene it does work.
So, I hope
@ChrisIceBox knows something about this. I think the problem might be that I use an ActionList in OnStart where I call another Cutscene from but I am not sure. The actions itself are what I have always used so that can't be the problem I think.
- You run the Cutscene that contains the Action manually (as opposed to letting it run indirectly from OnStart)?
- You remove the speech Action?
- You open the Scene window when the freeze occurs?
You will also need to provide details of your game's NavMesh, and how your characters are set up.Neither am I suggesting that the custom footstep script is to blame. What I'm trying to work out is if the character script is behaving as though the character is moving, just not visibly so. If the character relies only on AC's own footstep sound playback, and it is playing, then it suggests the character believes itself to be moving.
Rather than amending your character to not use root motion, place down the Brain NPC from the 3D Demo game (found in /Assets/AdventureCreator/Demo/NPCs), and amend the Actions to control him instead. Does the issue continue?