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"Exit" Text

I have triggers near some doors that, upon the player entering them, inform the player that these doors exit from the scene (my other doors are hinge-based). I am using a Dialogue: Play Speech action that just displays "exit" text. However, I want the text to be displayed while ever the player is in the trigger, rather than relying on the Display Time in the Subtitles settings. It doesn't seem like a difficult thing to implement, but I'm not too sure of how to go about it. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions.


  • ummmm...

    Maybe you can copy the menu for the speech/conversation dialogue, modify it and have it manually show upon entering the trigger. 

    Make sense ?
  • The bit I can't work out, is disabling the text again if the player leaves the trigger. Perhaps I need to set up a local variable to check if the player is in the trigger or not. If true, display text, if false don't.

  • Okay - I figured it out. First make a new menu that just has exit text. Then in the trigger, turn on the menu with the trigger type as "on enter" (default). To disable when leaving the trigger, apply the same AC_Trigger Script to the trigger - only set this to trigger on exit. Set it's action to Turn Off Menu, and there you go. B-)
  • Triggers can be set to react when the player exits them as well as enters them.
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