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Animate a menu image


I am looking to rotate a menu image, I want it to appear to prompt the user that a 'cutscene' is taking place and they are not expected to do anything until the cutscene is over, and it ould be great for the logo to rotate.

Is there an easy way to do this/


  • have you tried putting an animation on the menu sprite?

    not sure if will work, but only think i can think of atm
  • Unable to do so, from my knowledge the object has to be in the scene to be able to choose to animate it?
  • Unity UI prefabs can be animated easily enough.  AC wouldn't handle the animation itself, but linking the UI into the Menu Manager and setting it to appear during cutscenes will handle the rest.
  • Sorry to be a dum dum, does the canvas have to be in the scene or just in prefab folder?

    I currently have a menu called Loading set to Unity UI prefab, with a Canvas with an animation of a cog inside it.

    However, when i remove the unity UI prefab from the scene, it doesn't appear in the game window for review.

    I would like the cog to spin in the top corner not on every cutscene, just when i want the player to believe a scene is playing out that they are not supposed to do anything, see screenshot here;

  • You do indeed have to remove the UI prefab from the scene, and link the prefab's Canvas into the Menu Manager.  You can only edit the prefab if it's in the scene, so drag it in, make the necessary animation, click apply and remove it.
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