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Hotspot 2D bug?

I noticed that some of my hotspots were not responding, somewhat randomly. Sometimes they would trigger actions, and sometimes not. I did a rotation of the scene in the editor and saw that every hotspot box is flat and all are 0 on the Z-axis. Were these 3D boxes in a past version of AC or am I remembering wrong? Anyway, when giving the problematic hotspots a nudge in the Z-axis (putting them slightly in front of the background) they seem to trigger fine. Anyone else noticed anything like this?

On latest AC and Unity (not beta).


  • The old 3D boxes were just a visualisation - their shape so far as their interactions go haven't changed.  Check that there aren't any Colliders on the Default layer at the same Z-depth that could cause a conflict.  If you need to, you can move Hotspots to a new layer and enter that layer name in the Settings Manager, so you can have other objects on Default without conflict.
  • It seems like nudging the whole hotspot folder in the Z-axis is an easy fix, thereby lifting all hotspots from the background. There shouldn't be any conflicting colliders on the default layer, but I'll check.
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