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How do you make synchronized animations in 2D?

Sorry if this question was already answered, but how does one make two 2D objects animate in sync? Like having the player character interact with an in-game element? How should I prepare the animation for those circumstances? 
If there's a tutorial out there for this, please share.
Thanks in advance!


  • Hi @AlexThePyro, welcome to the community!

    To call two animations at the same time, just use two Object: Animate (or Character: Animate) Actions in sequence without ticking Wait until finish? (if present).  The 2D Demo does this whenever the player uses the tyre swing.

    If you're asking more about how to create animations that will sync up in the first place, that's more of a general Unity question, best answered on the Unity forum.  If your objects were both in the scene, and able to be in the same child/parent hierarchy, you could consider animating both under one Animator controller - but this won't be an option if you also want to animate the player.
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