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Split-Screen Questions


I'm trying to use the split-screen feature, with 2 first person cameras, but keep hitting hurdles that I can't get passed. Firstly I don't know how to change where the cursor is, I've looked all on the forums and docs but if it's there then I couldn't find it. I just want the cursor to be in the centre of the right hand camera (really I want it on the main cam, but just the right side will do).

Secondly, is there any way to change where the cursor text appears, so for example if I hover over a hotspot on the right screen, can I have the hotspot text appear on the left screen? This isn't really important, but I just wondered if it's possible.

If there's any help on these things I'd greatly appreciate it, and thanks for a great product, AC handles so much for me :3


P.S. I was very surprised to even see a split screen option. My project required it from the start and I set up cameras etc. myself to do it, and just stumbled across the AC split-screen option in the docs and was taken aback haha. I switched to it with ease and apart from the above problems it's been working great.


  • You can't natively set the system cursor's position within Unity.  A third-party asset exists for just this purpose, however.  Whether you use it, or write your own custom DLL / script to set the hardware cursor position, you can then make use of a custom Action to call it when you need to.

    AC-based Menus will be limited to the side of the screen that is "active".  However, if you switch to Unity UI, this restriction won't apply.  If you're using the default Hotspot menu, you can do this simply by switching it's Source to Unity Ui Prefab.
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