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Stop Camera Scrolling when Player Stops

Is there anyway to stop the camera from scrolling the background when the Player stops moving?

I'm making a 2D game with sprite-based characters, and when the player stops walking, the camera keeps panning. You can see this effect in the 2D Game Tutorial video:


  • Raise the camera's Follow speed.  The camera continues to scroll because it is slower than the player.
  • edited February 2016
    Okay, that definitely seems to be the issue. What is the acceptable range of values for Follow Speed? Is it possible to make the camera follow too fast? (That looks like what is happening if I set it at 100, for example.)

    (I checked in the Adventure Creator manual, and in the scripting reference, just to make sure this wasn't spelled out somewhere.)

  • Not really - as it depends on the scale of your scene / camera FOV etc.  Just go with whatever feels right.
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