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Resetting a Scene


I searched the forum for some clues, but still having trouble.

So I have a game with two scenes.  During a cut scene, if I hit escape, the pause menu comes up.  In that menu I have 3 buttons: Main Menu, Options, and Quit.  The last 2 choices work as intended.  When you click on the Main Menu, the pause menu is closed and I would like the the scene to basically reset and start over.

It works for the most part, but when the scene restarts, I get a black screen until I hit escape again.  It's like the game is still paused even though I closed the pause menu using the Menu Change State Close action.

Any ideas on how I can do a clean reset during a scene?


  • It sounds like the Pause menu is still turned on, and hasn't had enough time to turn off.  Try inserting a brief Engine: Wait before resetting the scene, and making sure you aren't fading the Menu out, i.e. turn it off instantly.
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