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Scene refresh


Some of my variables only seem to work on re-entering a scene again.

Ie i have a variable that turns on visibility and enables hotspots, but they only work once I have come in again and not the first time, therefore i wondered if there was a refresh on start or something?


  • Please be specific, with screenshots showing a clear example of what you mean - or better yet, steps to recreate this issue.  It's not clear what you mean from just this.  I'll also need to know your Unity and AC versions.
  • Two out of 5 of my characters in my scene (which are teleported into the screen when a global variable is switched) hotspots will not show up when hovered over? I have not disabled them. Whe I then go back in the screen, they work. I need them to be working first time coming back into the screen after global variable is switched in other scene 
  • My same request still applies: I need to see or know specifics here.  When are you running the custscene that switches them?  What's in the cutscene, exactly?  I can only help you if you help me.
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