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3rd person behavior with a first person view...?

edited February 2016 in Technical Q&A

Ive been working with my character control a bit, and I must say, Im not happy with the need in a first person game to HAVE TO click the ToggleCursor button to release it from locked (despite my other post where im trying to tweak this behavior) in order to interact with the menu.
In many MMO type 3rd person games (WoW for instance) the cursor is NOT locked and you can be running threw a forest chased by Orcs WHILE fiddling in your inventory to equip the Magical Axe of Azaroth. I know that Adventure Creator is not really meant for that type of game, however... 
How they achieve this is simply that they DO NOT use a Mouse Look function to swivel the player (well they do but its on Right mouse down only- I dont want that either, as I need both mouse buttons for punching and kicking) But NORMAL movement is simply that A and D is not used for Strafe but for TURN. Thats it.. simple as that! If you can turn using the buttons, you dont need to use the mouse at all for steering.

I have only used the built in 3rd person camera to follow a player in cut scenes, not as the main camera... and anyway, I dont want the "over the shoulder look" I want a 1st person view... This SHOULD be able to be achived if a 3rd person camera is placed almost on top of the player model , and have the camera NOT render the player mesh (unfortunately this would remove the shadows of your own player, which I think are nice to see...

Anyone help me on this...? Either a set up built with AC stuff (Id rather use things out of the box, integrating with UFPS was a nightmare, so I scrapped that) OR utilising some other SIMPLE system within AC?



  • If you don't need the mouselook function, just uncheck Lock cursor in screen's centre when game begins? in the Settings Manager!  You also don't need to use ToggleCursor if you don't need to provide the ability to swap cursor modes.

    If you want to turn instead of strafe in First Person mode, change your Turning type (again in the Settings Manager, this time under Movement settings) to TankControls.
  • Amazing!
    Thats NEARLY it...

    First it didnt work at all, There was no Turning type, so I tried Direct movement (I was on first person) and it showed up.
    The camera I was using didnt follow the Player (even though it had been in First person mode.
    I added the Third Person Camera, now it does... sort of... really I just want it staying behind the player at all times, but it seems to get in  bit of a spin... This is probably just getting the settings right... unless you have any hints..
  • The Turning type option for First Person was added in v1.47.
  • OK Ill update and see what happens..

    I must say I am constantly surprised at how fab AC is!

  • Is there any adjustments possible for TankControls? My player turns far too fast, I really cannot control him. Right now, every press of A or S will take him at least 45 degrees, a fraction longer and its 90 degrees. really this needs to be a smooth turn...

  • Found it in movement settings... :)
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