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First person Movement Sliding


First off all this is an awsome tool, I have been using it for a few days now.
I followed the Setting up a player prefab for first person tutorial, but I'm not sure how to customize my characters movement. The problem is, if I move in any direction, after I let go the button the character still slides forward. I tried to increase the Deceleration value under Player script -> Movement settings but even on 100 I see no change, maybe I'm altering the wrong number. I tried Tinpot too, but he is a robot on wheels so that's expectable :). Is there a way to make the controlls tighter?


  • Even Tin Pot is not supposed to be sliding around too much.  It could well be to do with your Horizontal and Vertical inputs in Unity's Input manager.  You may have to tweak the Gravity, Dead and Sensitivity values to get your desired behaviour.
  • Thanks you, this solved the problem :)
  • Another thing came up. I would like to change the movement depending on different conditions. For example the character gets gradually tired so its movement slows or if it's walking in mud or shallow water. Would I still change the input settings, or am I allowed to tweak the AC player controller values?
  • You can use the Character: Animate Action to change the walk and run speed of characters, but for true control over any variable in the Player Inspector, you can write a custom Action.

    The Scripting Guide can be used to learn which variables are available to use and what they do.  For example, you can change the accelearation value with:

    AC.KickStarter.player.acceleration = 2f;
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