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Mouse click is too fast to choose inventory item

edited January 2016 in Technical Q&A
I apologize in advance if it isn't AC related question.
My mouse clicks sometimes can't pick items from my Unity Ui InScene base inventory.

 I can see nothing wrong in the EventSystem listener in the bottom right window when you run the game. To make sure 100% that the items are picked/selected you have to hold left click for for a momment then release it.
It happens on other mouse too.

Is there a time limit on the mouse click? How to make sure the input is executed if your mouse click is fast? This only happens to Unity Ui InScene base inventory.
AC 1.50 b Unity 5.2.4f1



  • edited January 2016
     I would have gladly used Unity Ui Prefab based, but I can not link grid and shift buttons since my buttons are childed to the panel that slides up and down from the outside of the bottom of the screen with just sign Inventory visible.
      And thus when I prefab the whole thing there are no buttons in the Project folder only Canvas and Panel bar.
    By the way the same happens if I use Unity Ui Prefab based inventory.

    The EventSystem listener shows EligibleForClick True when the item is clicked.
    It looks like the item is only picked on mouse release, and if it's too fast it skips it. But it is always EligibleForClick True with any click.
    Is it possible to have item picked on Mouse pressed instead of mouse release?
  • edited January 2016
    By the way the same happens if I use Unity Ui Prefab based inventory.

     That sentence in my previous post  meant that - My mouse clicks sometimes can't pick items from my Unity Ui Prefab  inventory too, just to avoid the confusion.
  • edited January 2016
     Just compared Adventure Creator soucre with the other 2 Unity Ui Prefab  inventory, Unity Ui InScene base inventory.
     Adventure Creator soucre works smartly by selecting on Mouse down, while the other two on mouse up.

     What's the secret, can you give us a hand on how to set it on mouse down too in Unity Ui Prefab  and Unity Ui InScene base inventory? :)

  • A bug was found regarding mouse clicks and Unity UI.  Please grab v1.50e or later and try again.

    The mouse click is handled by Unity's OnClick event - which is mouse-up.  If you want to have a go at hacking it yourself, it's done within the LoadUnityUI function of MenuInventoryBox.cs.
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