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Wait function

Hello. I have two questions. I hope you can understand my meaning and desired effect.

I have set up some kind of "mini game" within adventure creator. The goals is for the player to move within a certain area that is covered with a trigger to sneak past the guard in order to acces more area's. I've setup a crouch mode, a trigger which detects if the player is within this crouch mode and a pre-set path that the guard will walk. At certain nodes I made a cutscene which sents a message to the trigger to turn on/off.

Question 1:
The trigger does not work and does not detect the player whenever I use messages to set the trigger on, then let the engine wait, then send another message to immediately turn the trigger off again.

Question 2:
How can I let my guard character wait at a specific node in the pre-set path without setting the wait time for EVERY node? Whenever I use the engine --> wait function the entire games pauses for the amount set. I'm looking for a way to let the character guard wait for a set time AND still be able to controll my player.

Thanks in advance!


  • 1) Triggers are enabled/disabled by sending "TurnOn" and "TurnOff" messages.  Is this what you've been doing?  If a Trigger is successfully disabled during gameplay, the words Current state: Off will show at the top of it's Inspector - check to see if this disappears once you've turned it on.  If it appears correct, make sure your Player has a Rigidbody on him, as Unity requires one for any object you wish to be detected by a Trigger.

    2) Per-node Cutscenes can be used to set a different wait time for each node.  To prevent the Cutscene from blocking gameplay, set the Cutscene to Run In Background at the top of it's Inspector.
  • Thanks for the quick response!
    I had the rigid body on my player present within the scene.
    The problem was that cutscene would "take over" the action list because everything paused.
    I set the cutscene to "run in background" and It works perfectly now!
    Thanks a lot for this amazing and versatile asset!
  • edited January 2016
    about Trigger 2d. How it works? What i should choose in actionlist?
    Sorry, cant find tutorial about this.
  • 2D Triggers work by the same principle as the 3D ones.  You can turn them on/off by using the Object: Send message Action on them, and determine what happens when they're triggered within their own Inspectors.
  • when player enter into trigger area, then must play his speech, but nothing happens.


  • Does your Player have a 2D collider on him, plus a Rigidbody2D?  Unity's physics system requires this to be the case for triggers to work.
  • edited January 2016
    it works, thank you!
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