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Speech, gather text resets all audio files to default.

edited January 2016 in Technical Q&A
 When I try to add a new Dialogue speech and gather text so I could rename the audio file and make it play when the speech starts, gather text resets all speeches to default numbers! Like Player475, Player 476 etc..
 They used to be proper named audio files, their names where giving according to the characters and numbers added, so later I could rename the audio files and they could play.
 What's going on?
How to add new speeches now?

AC 1.50b



  • I don't understand what you mean - please explain as carefully as you can.
  • edited January 2016
     Before the update from 1.47 Speech gather just gathered the speeches and gave file names according how the characters were named for the audio files that they would be associated with, so later we could rename our audio files to match the ones speech gather gaves us. Like this:

    And after the update this is what you get when you gather speech:

    It just gives Player instead of giving Character's name to it. Thus destroying the existing build.

  • edited January 2016
    Is the character in question a Player, and if so - do you have Use Player prefab name in filenames? checked in the Speech Manager?
  • edited January 2016
     Yes it is a player, otherwise you won't be able to use Dialogue: Play speech, unless I'm missing smth.
    Also just tried to check and uncheck UsePlayer prefab name in filenames , get the same effect.
    Also tried to just uncheck Auto-name speech audio files?  and set the audiofile manually in a hope that it would map it forever, and yet gather speech still sets to default Player+some numbers.

  • edited January 2016
    NPCs can also use Dialogue: Play speech.

    Unchecking Auto-name speech audio files? means that you can assign which audio file gets played with each line of speech manually.

    Checking Use Player prefab name in filenames? should update the Speech Manager with the character's name instantly - you shouldn't have to re-gather your lines.  Unfortunately I cannot recreate this error, and can't see why it wouldn't work for you.  Is this affecting all lines or just a select few?  You can see the effect the checkbox is supposed to have by clicking it with the Demo_SpeechManager asset assigned.
  • edited January 2016
     So how do I add new speech to the speech manager if I don't have to re-gather cause it is not updating with Use Player prefab name in filenames checked? checked.
    It is affecting all lines, with out gather text no new speeches appear.

    Can you tell me exact proceedure how to add the new speeches? I'm pretty sure I'm following it correctly it is just not saving... It used to in the 1.47 
     And as I said if I use gather it resets to numbers and it wasn't like that in the early versions of AC,in the early versions  it would always keep the character name and add numbers and don't reset the other speeches that already have been gathered and character's names taken and numbers added.

    See on that picture nothing is added on the bottom right, no new speech sdsds added and no speech manager ID.

    Only if I use gather it would add ID but it would reset all other speeches in the project to default numbers, in other AC versions it kept them only added the new ones and added players name plus numbers not just numbers.


  • I was referring to lines already present in the Speech Manager.  Of course, to add new lines you have to click "Gather text".

    Your talk of "default numbers" is confusing, and I don't know what you mean here.  Previously you were indicating that the problem was that "MyCharacter123" was now "Player123", and your latest screenshot shows that the name of your character is now showing as you want in the Speech Manager.

    Please explain exactly what you mean be "reset all other speeches" - do you mean that previously-gathered speech lines are being assigned new ID numbers?
  • edited January 2016
    It might have been confusing. Cause I meant exact poblem there while you didn't understand and tried to help with other suggestion and in the end we got into some more confusion.

     The last screenshot indicates that with out gathering text there is no new character showing in the speech manager. And I wanted to show you this. As you can see there, I added new Dialogue: Play speech sdsds and it aint showing automatically  in the Speech Manager as you can see there is the last one only there which is 473. You must re-gather speech so it could add.
    In you last comments I thought you were saying just simply by adding an action Dialogue: Play speech would atumatically add it to the Speech Manager and it won't you have gotto re-gather it.

     I'm glad we agreed on without gathering text you can not see new character speech line in the Speech Manager and thus can't set Audio file, cause it didn't add to the Speech manager.
     Cuase it sounded like you meant this and I meant that and we didn't understand each other.

    All what I'm trying to say is in my OP.

     When I try to add a new Dialogue speech and gather text , gather
    text resets all speeches to default numbers and sets Player instead of characters names! Like Player475, Player 476

    For instance before I re-gather I had ChrisIceBox451, MyAwesomePlayer675, SuperHero124 if I re-gather now I see Player451, Player675, Player124....
    I thought my 2nd post made it clear.

     And it didn't do it like that in the previous versions of AC, it kept all the speeches with character's names attached and kept their innitial numbers, plus added the new speeches accordingly with charcater's name and number.

    And yes, this also resets all other speeches in the speech Manager. In the new AC version.

    So the audio seeches won't play in the game cause re-gather changed thier names to Player451  etc. and my audio file was ChrisIceBox451.
    Thanks for your time and help Chris I hope this makes it clear now.

  • Does it reset the number at the end, or only the name beforehand?

    This screenshot shows the opposite of what you're saying the problem is.  The Speaker / Filename fields at the bottom-right show IssetDoor01, not Player.  So this is why I'm confused.
  • edited January 2016
    That screen doesn't show the new Speech sdsds in the speech manager, and that post was only related to your comment that I misunderstood that only by adding Dialogue: Play speech will automatically set and show the new speech in the speech manager. And it doesn't you have to re-gather it.

    It resets only the character's names but keeps the numbers. And it won't play audios, since it changed the names in the speech manager.

     You were thinking my problem was in when I re-gather my new speeches don't show in the speech manger.

      No, my problem and the only problem is that when you re-gather it resets all Character's names (new and old) to just Player but keeps the ID numbers that it gave before. Just what my OP said.
    Only by default numbers there I meant the default ID numbers that it gave, and not just random numbers.
  • edited January 2016
    No, I've already moved on from the re-gathering issue.

    My point was that the screenshot I last linked to showed your player's name, rather than Player - which is what you're telling me isn't the case.  This is the cause of confusion.

    Did you switch back, as I suggested earlier, to Demo_SpeechManager and check/uncheck Use Player prefab name in filenames? to see what effect it's supposed to have?  When I said you don't have to re-gather to see the effects, I was referring to the effect of this particular checkbox.
  • edited January 2016
    I'm using my Speech Manager.
    Though right now I switched to Demo_SpeechManager and check/uncheck Use Player prefabe name in filenames? it changes file name and speaker from Tin Pot 54 to Player54.
    The same happens with my speech manager when I switch to it, it sets MySuperHero124 to Player124.

    What does it have to do with the problem?
    Try to re-gather or add a new Dialogue: Play speech and re-gather it will reset all Tin Pot 54 to Player54 and no matter if you check  or not  Use Player prefabe name in filenames? now it will always be Player54. And all speeches lost their names to Player+ID forever, now I have to open my backup project again and delete the current one.
    Cause it resets as I was explaining in other posts.

    I thought I answered that in my third post.

  • edited January 2016
    So the checkbox works only before you create+gather a new line, is that it?
  •  There is no question in my mind, that new feature Use Player prefabe name in filenames? has destroyed my build. Because with out it it was working fine.
     Ironically it was me who was asking for an easier way to make speech file names and audios usage, so we could better name audio files and understand what they play. As the saying goes; Careful what you wish for.

     Because I've just tried it in a new clean project with clean AC and it works there but not with my old project :(
    I hope not many people will be affected if that is the case.
  • edited January 2016
    Yes, in my project the checkbox works only before I re-gather, after this it is forever Player+ID no switching Use Player prefabe name in filenames?
  • edited January 2016
    Now that you've found that out, we might be able to do something about it.

    Send me a scene with a local player in it, with your Manager assets packaged up, telling me what version of Unity you're using.
  • No, it wasn't that way. It was just highlighting the irony that it happend to me.
  • I've been having what I think is the same problem. Since updating to 1.50e, I've added a few new lines of text, and changed some others. Then I gathered my speech again Now I'd say about half of the dialogue is set to different speech IDs, meaning loads of the voice in my game is now messed up.

    It seems like gathering speech doesn't "honour" the old gathered dialogue and the files that they need. I'll see if there's a way to test this in an isolated example; for now it seems almost random.
  • @GeometriX Chris said in my case the problem was that I had no player prefab assigned in my Settings Manager.
  • Indeed - though it will be patched in a future release.
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