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Problems with my own Mecanim-ready character model as a Player

Hi all,

first I wish all a happy New Year!

I'm working on a FireSim 3D simulation and try to get my own Mecanim character model to work as a my player. I followed the tutorial - Making a Mecanim based Character, but it doesn't work completly.
When I start my scene, my Character is set to the player start posisition and the Idle animation is played. When I move my Player, he turns in the right direction, but the walk animation is not shown - he slides with the Idle Animation over the ground.
What is my mistake?  
Regards bs


  • Check that your movement speed parameter is define in the Player's Inspector, and that this parameter is present in your Mecanim window.  This float will change as the character moves, so you have to ensure that positive values cause a walk animation to be played.
  • Hi Chris, first I have to tell you, that AC is absolut great! Thank you for your great work!
    Ok I found out something and would like to tell you what happens. My settings  was all ok and I played arround with the the values in the parameters. If I set the MoveSpeed up to 0.2 , the Player starts moving alone when I enter my scene. Now I set the Speed to 0.2 and it works fine now.
    I hope it's normal to use this settings?

    And here a screenshot out of my FireSim 3D simulation.

  • Very nice!  The exact value it takes isn't so important - what matters is how the Mecanim transitions are set up.  The Speed parameter will take the "Walk speed" value when walking - so the transitions have to be set up such that a value equal to the Walk speed will result in the walk animation being played.
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