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No sound after Pause Menu

Hey Everyone

When ever I'm in game and press the pause menu, I lose all sound when I go back into game .
Any help here would be great ?


  • P.S: I'm using the FirstPerson perspective
  • Ok I feel I have narrowed it down to the pause menu and " Pause game when enabled" . Turning this off works fine when back in game. But obviously I would like to pause the game .

  • Do you mean all sound stops completely once you resume the game, or that you'd like sound to play while the pause menu is open?  I can't recreate the former, and the latter is solved by checking "Play while paused?" in the Sound object's Inspector.

    What version of AC are you using?
  • edited December 2015
    I'll try to break it down.
    I'm running 1.50 ( but I had the bug since 1.49b)
    Playing the game in a FirstPerson perspective.And is all setup using the tutorials and working fine (Apart from camera switching - But I need to play around with that more as I could have messed the trigger up)

    In the { Menu Tab / Pause } of the editor the option "Pause game when enabled" is checked
    In game every sound is working perfect , but the moment you press escape for menu it seems to mute every sound . even coming out of gameplay and back in there is no sound ... Really is like a mute button getting pressed .

    So when you go to the MenuTab again and click off Pause game and then go back to the in game pause menu it all turns back on again ... It is very weird indeed .
  • I'm afraid I'm still not clear.

    By default, sounds will also be paused whenever the game is paused - this is to prevent sounds in your game becoming out of sync with any animation - but they should resume when you un-pause the game.  You can, however, tell a Sound object to continue to play while paused within the Sound object's Inspector.

    If you're saying that sounds continue to not play once you resume gameplay, then that's an error I cannot reproduce.  If so, load the 3D Demo game (assign the 3D Demo Managers first, then run the Basement scene), and see if you can get the same behaviour in there.
  • Nope nothing happens when coming out of pause menu in game , all sounds are muted.
    I'll try to reproduce it in the 3d demo and keep you updated.
  • Ok I kinda recreated it in the 3dDemo .

    I replaced Tinpot with the FirstPerson asset from unity. Put the Firstperson script and player script in it .
    Set them up in the settings(Main Camera) and played the game . Pressing the Menu button then breaks the sound. Obviously some game assets don't work in the demo because it wasn't set out for FP, But that's the basic issue I was getting at . If that made sense ?

  • This is the first you've said of using a separate asset for FirstPerson - and it sounds like that's what's causing it.  AC comes with it's own First Person option - if you use another, or use the MainCamera in a way not intended by AC, then it could well be the other asset that's the problem.  Check that the AudioSource component is still enabled on the MainCamera when you resume the game.
  • edited December 2016
    I have a similar problem. When my scene starts, I have the opening cutscene's ActionList play a sound file of narration, but the player can still walk around. If you pause the sound obviously stops. However, if you resume, the sound does not continue. The Default Sound source doesn't change, it even says to play when pause, so I don't know what this is.

    EDIT: Fixed this by adding a second Sound object for narration audio and checking that it does not play when paused.
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