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Telling Playmaker To Do Something

I'm trying to get Adventure Creator to work with Playmaker. I see they can share Global variables, but that's overkill for what I need. So aside from that, I'd like to have an AC trigger activate a Playmaker FSM.

I thought it would be as simple as getting AC to activate an object and it's associated Playmaker would just go. Which would work on Playmaker's end, but I couldn't find any AC actions that simply enable/disable game objects. Only the renderer etc.

I found the Third Party Action Type in the list and it says something about a 'PlayMakerIsPresent' scripting define symbol. No clue what this means. I found where this "symbol" is supposed to go but have no idea what it is. A script? What in unity is a symbol?


  • Go to your Player settings in Unity (under the Edit -> Project Settings menu) and make sure the tab for standalone is selected. Then go down to the section for "Scripting Define Symbols" and type in PlayMakerIsPresent, and press Enter. It might add CROSS_PLATFORM_INPUT on its own, after that.

    Give Unity a minute to recognise what's happened, and then your third-party actions for PlayMaker will be present. From there you can call object or specific FSM events in PlayMaker.

    Word of advice, while we're on the topic: PlayMaker's legacy GUI object causes some mouse cursor flickering sometimes. To remedy this, remove the PlayMakerGUI object that PM automatically creates, and go to the PM preferences to prevent it from being automatically created.
  • Sweet, that 's perfect now. I actually guessed that part right, and everything would have just worked but I had misspelled PlayMaker of all things.
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