Hey there.
I would like to suggest a feature, a delay timer for the play speech action, so you can stack them.
I know you can use the engine: pause game action, but this will pause the game and you can't interact meanwhile.
I am using play speech with triggers for some narrative elements (in first person). So you walk somewhere and then play speech get triggered. I would love to stack more then one play speech on one trigger so I can display more text. And I can't use pause game, because the player should be able to move while the narration.
Right now I am simply using more triggers, so a few feet away from the first speech trigger, there is another. But it gets a bit messy over time.
I wrote an action much like this, and it supports a start and end delay. The end delay supports a negative delay which lets you overlap audio; our dialogue sounded more like a natural conversation as a result.