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Issues with character direction when integrating with oculus rift

Hi everyone, having some issues with the oculus rift and AV.

Basically in FPS when I'm walking forward and i turn my head with the headset the character moves in that direction, but when I turn the character with the mouse it doesn't change the characters direction. Really stuck on it, tried rotation scripts etc, but nothing seems to make the mouselook impact the characters walking direction. When the oculus is turned off the mouselook changes the direction fine.

Managed to get VR camera attached to player etc, built out UI in worldspace nicely, but just stuck on the direction. 

If anyone could help me out, or even just a basic tutorial on getting oculus working smoothly with AV I would be super stoked. I love the platform and think it's perfect for VR if I can just smooth out these little hickups.



  • I've been stuck on this for weeks now, and then right after I typed this i tried parenting _ Cameras to the tin pot prefab and it fixed it.

    Would love a walk through on VR+AV best practice though because my projects all ductape at the moment!
  • I'll have to admit I haven't used AC with VR myself, which is why no tutorials exist.

    There's a MainCameraVR prefab located in Assets/AdventureCreator/Prefabs/Camera that you should generally use in place of the default MainCamera when making a VR scene.  It'll basically place the MainCamera's camera component on a separate object, allowing you to rotate it independently of any transformations the MainCamera might otherwise make when following GameCameras.

    I hadn't actually considered the case where you'd want the VR-aiming to affect the character's direction as well, and this would actually be a very steep technical hurdle to do "properly".  As it is, parenting the _Camera folder to the player prefab is hacky, but the only real way to do it for now.
  • Thanks for the answer, my current set up is definitely hacky but its working ok. I'll send you the project file when it's tidy and you can have a squiz if you like.
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