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1.47 hotspod cursor display error

After I installed 1.47 my hotspots with more than 1 interaction are not displayed while the sane scene in another PC (with still the previous version) is OK.
I have a Hotspot with a Use and a Talk interactions but the second is not shown.


  • What are your settings?  Please post shots of your Settings Manager, Hotspot inspector, and how your game looks when it's broken.
  • SOLVED but don't know how.
    I check the differences between the setup in one PC (old version AC) and another (with 1.47) and I found the difference was that I don't know why I was using the Demo_SettingsManager instead of my own SettingManager but comparing the two settings they are identical.
    I noticed only that in 1.47 the line "Single use Interaction" in the Hotspot(Script)  is no longer there.
  • That option is only visible if your "Interaction method" is set to "Context Sensitive".

    This is the case of the Demo game, so it would be invisible if you had that Settings Manager active.  You can revert to your own managers after updating by selecting the ManagerPackage file (created by the New Game Wizard and placed in your game's subfolder and clicking "Assign Managers" in it's Inspector.
  • I still have this problem. I don't see any hotspot activity whether I am using context sensitive or the other 2 choose..
    I can only see it if I use the Demo_SensitiveManager and there is no visual difference between it and My_SensitiveManager.

    The other Managers are OK and they all use My_....Manager

  • It could be that there's a "hidden" option that's different between the two.  As you know, the Settings Manager shows and hides different options based on your other chosen settings.  Those that are hidden shouldn't make a difference, but it could be that a bug is causing this not to be the case with a certain option.

    You can see all the options for a Settings Manager by viewing the Inspector of the asset file itself.  Click on the asset field at the top of the Settings Manager to ping the asset file in your Project window, then click on the asset file to view it's Inspector.

    If you compare the two managers in that way, you should be able to see any "true" differences between the two.  See if that sheds any light on what's causing the issue, and let me know what you find - hopefully I can then fix it for you.
  • I compared them as you said but they are identical (some change in the Inventory items only)
    Then I found out what it is :
    If you have the 'Lock cursor screen' set you don't see the Hotspot and interactions UNLESS YOU KEY THE Alt key !!
    This is very confusing and one has the tendency to forget this item which is normally not on unless in First person mode.

  • Usually, it's true - but not exclusively.  Perhaps a warning message when you start the game with this checked would make this more clear.
  • What do you mean you would provide such a warning message or do I have to figure it out myself?
  • I was just thinking aloud - I meant myself.
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