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Play Footstep sound

hello all, fter seeing all the tutorials on how to use the engine for 3D games I noticed that eluded explanation on how to set sounds footsteps. There is a guide in particular that I can read about this? Any kind of help is welcome. Thank you and congratulations for this great engine.


  • I believe you can set the foot steps right in the Player script. So add the Player (script) to your character, scroll down to Audio and set the footstep walking and running sounds.

    You can change those with triggers when you enter a different area also.
  • Indeed - you'll also need to attach a new Sound prefab as a child object of your Player object, and assign it as your "Sound child" within the Player's Inspector.  The Sound object is where these sounds will play from.

    This is also covered in the 2.5D tutorial here.
  • Oh another one tutorial, i've missed it XD. Anyway thanks to both for your time, it helped alot. I've still more few questions, but maybe are already covered in 2.5D tutorial.

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