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Mobile Functionality and Inventory System


I am about dive into Adventure Creator, could I get advice on the following:

Does the functions such as hotpot work on android without any additional adjustments?

Are there any tutorials for inventory that should how to amend the inventory user interface? Or whether it can be linked to a user interface created in NGUI?

Many thanks


  • Welcome to the forum, @revorez.

    Yes - AC works on Android, just set your Input method in the Settings Manager to Touch Screen.

    The Inventory menu can be modified just like all menus in AC.  A series of tutorials on working with Menus can be found here.  AC doesn't support NGUI, but it does work with Unity UI canvases - a tutorial covering this can be found here.
  • Hi

    I have attempted to run the tutorial scene on a tablet, while everything runs, I am unable to interact with hotspots. When I double tap the hotpot nothing happens.

    Also with regards to the inventory system, is there a way in which I can simply click an item and have this parented on my character? The tutorial shows how to drag this onto a hotpot, however I would simply like to equip this on to my character just by clicking on the item.

    Many thanks

  • Which tutorial are you referring to?  I would need to see the values in your Settings Manager for a better idea of what's wrong.

    By default, clicking an Inventory item will select it as the cursor - but you can override this by assigning an "ActionList asset" file as it's "Use" interaction, within the Inventory Manager.  This will be called instead, allowing you to do whatever parenting etc you want to do.
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