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Feature request: button for auto creating "cut scene on reach"

You know how you can auto create interactions, that's such a time saver I love it, even names them for you. Could you also add a button like for paths where you want a custscene to play on reach? Would be super quick if it could make one for you in the same way. Just a thought, right now it would save me a ton of time, and its no fun getting out the AC gui everytime :)


  • On reach where?  The auto-create buttons were for existing Cutscene fields - I don't know what field you're referring to.
  • Haha well I mean on a path where you have each node, and it says "run cutscene on reach", it works well, but you could have a button to auto create that cut scene just like other places you do it, rather than manually making and dropping it in..
  • Why not just use a trigger that would set off the cutscene when a player reaches it?
  • That button is already there - are you using the latest release?
  • edited July 2015
    doh no, im sorry, still on 1.43a, great addition I will upgrade soon, upgrading anything scares me these days since the game is humming nicely :D thanks again.

    PS- Tyanna, using a trigger is costly because it needs not only a rigid body but also a collider, i may be wrong but i think using a cutscene on a node does not actually need this, which is far more preferred, the triggers im using that can be entered im using sparingly because I am assuming it is kind of costly.

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