Is there a good way right now to do something like have 100 clickable plants that all just have the same behavior -- pick it up, add one to a var, get rid of the mesh. Could you do it just using one interaction, and not setting up many interactions just for the disable mesh lines?
I can always accomplish it using methods outside AC, I'm just wondering if AC already supports that functionality in some way but I'm not seeing it.
You can read more about parameters in this tutorial.
Still seems like I need 100 different interactions because to reference the individual mesh object and the hotspot object for each case. You can't just reuse the plant setup somehow in other words... you have to reconfigure it?
For instance in my game I have 20+ objects to do the same thing/and some do the other things, in each level but different objects.
So I created actionlist in my Asset, but to fire it I created in each scene my custom in Scene actionlist and pass those parameters/my objects to my in my Asset actionlist . That way I simply assign whatever objects I need to do the stuff I have in in my Asset actionlist.
And it all works great, if I choose an object to be picked I know Parameter 1 does it in my in my Assset actionlist so I pass my object as parameter 1. If I choose an object to move/transform etc. I have parameter 2 so I pass my object that I want to do that as Parameter 2.
Makes your life easier
I think what I was really looking for was just a way for a hotspot to store its hotspot and mesh as game object variables and then I would only ever have to use a single scene actionlist for a duplicated object because I could call a game object variable. That way you're not manually changing the fields to the new objects (different hotspot, different mesh, different interaction), every time you want another copy of the object.
I think I'll have to do something like that as custom code though.