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edited June 2015 in Technical Q&A
My inventory items are disappearing when loading a scene. 

Tried creating a new test scene and load to that instead for testing, and items are still gone.

Seems to be any new scenes i create, loading to the scene makes items gone.

Thought it may be the hotspot, but nothing on it other than engine change scene.

This is a game/project destroying bug as it stands  :/


OK, managed to fix it - not sure exactly what as i updated to the latest version. Seems to be working now.


  • edited June 2015

    Still not working. Thought it was as in unity it appears to work. In build, it does not.

    Confused to why this is the case...

    Any suggestions?


    OK, managed to fix it - again.

    Had to do an auto save before loading the scene that would not load items. Seem to fix it.

    My guess is that that scene was not loading files. Once on that scene, even leaving it would not bring them back.

    Weird stuff.
  • What is your platform, version of AC, and version of Unity?  There seems to be a bug going around related to scene transitions with Unity 5.1.1
  • edited August 2015
    sorry only now saw this...

    Im using unity 5.0.1  eeeeeeek

    maybe the problem, still getting it :O

    Will updating Unity now, effect AC latest version? (1.46f as of this writing)
  • never mind i did ;p
  • edited August 2015
    My still getting major inventory issues.

    Im removing items, adding another.

    Go to another scene, and the old item is back.

    And, in my game there are chapters - well sometimes, (in chapter two for exampe) if I have a space between two items, moving across a scene to another, some random item from like the intro chapter will be slotted in.

    I have no idea what's going on, looked everywhere and at everything. I'm pretty sure its code related to the inventory..

    Any suggestions ? Been fighting the inventory for many months.

    Even tried creating new inventory, setting all the items back, but still same problems occur.

    I got around it before by autosaving before scene transition, but that no longer works either.

    I can record videos again if you need to see what's happening, which will show the editor and options.

    I should note that everythign is upto date. i.e. Adventure Creator is 1.47 and Unity 5.1.2f1 build (updated few days ago).


  • I apologise for the frustration - and I'm keen to fix it for you.  The problem is that it's not something I can recreate on my end - at least not without more detail.

    It could be that it's related to your combination of options in your Settings Manager.  Are you able to find steps that cause this problem in the simplest way (e.g. add an item in Scene A, go to Scene B, return to Scene A and it's gone)?  If so, please write them in a comment - and also PM me your Manager files (all of them, if possible) in a UnityPackage file.  They may be the key to this problem.
  • edited August 2015
    Hi, thank you for the response.

    If it weren't for the fact i was so far down the rabbit hole, i would start over. But WAY to late for that :P

    I understand this maybe next to impossible to recreate, was thinking that last night. Other than sending over the entire project.

    I will export and send over the manager files later, look out for a pm.

    Below are steps that breaks inventory. But even that will seem ok/normal. It's really weird. (Im pretty sure it originally stemmed from using removing an item using id. Its been changed since. And could have been a coincidence.)

    • antena
    • box
    • handle
    • box with no handle but with antena
    • box with no antena but handle
    • strange device
    Now, combining the box and antena will create the box with antena but no handle. Then adding the antena will result in final item 'strange device'.

    The other path of creating with the handle first instead of the antena also works.

    Either way, i end up with strange device in inventory.

    When I go to the next scene (or rather a specific scene), the strange device has disappeared, and the three items are back, as if the inventory didn't save. Or did, but in the state it was before creation.

    Other issue as mentioned a few months back:

    Similarly, had all my items in inventory (no combining or anything). Went to another scene (certain scene), all items were gone. Autosaving before i went to that scene (in hotspot) seemed to make them stay in the inventory. Tried that for this other issue, but don't work.

    I will try to record a video of the problem, and will try and dig mic out to talk over while recording, looking at all the hotspots etc. but checked them, again and again. It seems to be when navigating to certain scenes.

    Well, I hope all that makes sense. Was long.

    Once i think, i managed to get the strange device to stay (maybe with the autosave), and not show the three items again. but there was a space between items before the scene transition.

    An item from the intro (currently end of chapter one) appeared in the space. And natuarlly, i was like WTF !   :P


  • OK - be sure to include any relvant ActionLists tied to your Inventory items, too, as they're used to add/remove the various items during combining.

    Your mention of having "space between two items" must mean that you have Items can be re-ordered in Menu? checked in the Settings Manager.  I suspect that these issues may disappear if you uncheck that box in the meantime.
  • I can try unchecking that box, see if anything improves.

    And yeah, they maybe a lot of ActionLists to include. Hope i get em all ;p
  • edited August 2015
    Just a quick one.

    I set the inventory so that items cant be moved around, and this seemed to fix the issue.

    Why would this be?

    Needs more testing, but it worked... For now, I will keep it like this and will keep you posted.


    That other issue where i had to autosave for items to remain.... well i removed the autosave after setting the items to non movable. and that also works too :O

  • Scratch that still dont work.

    The item that gets made from the three pieces, reverts back to three again when moved to the other scene.

    Oh man, its killing me lol
  • Still haven't gotten a PM - please send me what you can, as I can't fix these issues without them.
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