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Changing the idle animation based on inventory


Following your excellent 3D tutorial!

I have two questions:

1. In your example when Tin Pot picks up the book, you parent it to the hand bone. Is it possible to parent it differently, more customisable? In my case my character needs to pick up a massive sniper rifle and he needs two hands for that...

2. Once a character has picked something up, is it possible to change the regular walking legacy animation to another one. Again, in my example I need my character to walk differently as he has picked up a big gun or other item. When holding nothing, he should fall back to 'empty hands' walking...

Hope I you understand what I mean...:-S


  • 1) You can only ever parent something to one object directly - so what I would do is just parent a gun to one hand, and animate the other hand so that it looks like both are holding it.  But if you wanted the other end of the gun to rotate so that it falls into the other hand automatically, you could just write a custom script for the gun that does this once you've parented it to one hand.

    2) Yes - use the Character: Animate Action and choose the method "Set standard".  That will allow you to change any of the standard animations, like idle, walk etc.
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