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AC Menu between scenes disappears?

When the scene is started, the _UI populates all the menus and the dialogue system works as expected.  When the project changes scenes, these menus are not repopulated and causes an issue by not playing any dialogue.

I currently on 1.41a and I'm wary of updating AC since I'm stuck in Unity 4.

What am I missing?


  • I can't speak for any issues that go that far back, I'm afraid.  Back-up your project anad update to the latest version - many bugs have been fixed by then.

    AC is still Unity 4-compatible.  If you open up the Asset Store in Unity 4, you can still download v1.45 for Unity 4.  Just be mindful of the Upgrade notes for each release v1.42 to v1.45, as they'll explain anything you need to know so far as amendments to your game go.
  • Thank, I'll give it a shot.
  • It was a scary 20 minutes, I had to copy paste my Unity project settings from the backup and reassociate all the AC asset files.

    Still no dice though.  The scene that starts up loads all the menus under _UI, the next loaded scene just has a EventSystem object created with no menus beneath the _UI.

    I currently do not have an EventSystem prefab defined and I have been relying on AC to create the object for me.  Is this a possible issue?

  • Shouldn't be, but if your UIs aren't transferring over than that's a big problem.  It's not something I've come across myself, however.  What are your UIs set to - Unity Ui Prefab or Unity Ui Scene?  And are they World Space or Screen Space?
  • It is currently set to Unity Ui Prefab.  I know Unity Ui Scene can have this issue, so I made sure to double check that from other posts on the forum.

    Canvas:  Screen Space - Overlay, No pixel perfect
    Canvas Scaler:  Scale with screen size

  • Unity Ui Scene assumes that the Canvas object is in the scene to begin with, so it won't transfer over.

    My own tests with UI Prefabs turn out OK - the canvases are re-created in the new scene.

    Are you using new Canvases to the Demo game's?  If so, try switching your Menu Manager to the Demo_MenuManager asset file - then switch the "Menu Source" in each to "Unity Ui Prefab" to load up the demo game's UI equivalent.  Then see if they carry over - it'll help determine the cause of this.
  • Alright, here are the results:

    When changing the asset file back to the Demo_MenuManager and changing it to the Unity Ui Prefab type, it had the same result.  Whatever scene it was started in would load the subtitles, but any scenes loaded after that, they would disappear / not work (action list ran fine though).

    I also tested the Menu Source just using the Adventure Creator subtitles method and that worked in both scenes with no issue.

    And, as a final test, I changed the source to Unity Ui Scene, placed the prefabs in the scene and that worked between scenes.  Go figure.  I think I'll move forward with the Ui in Scene method for now.

    As an additional issue that cropped up in making these adjustments, any idea why my subtitles in one scene would all default to "Hi!" and not the actual text written in the speech action?  I can rebuild them from scratch, just a weird side effect.  Weird thing is, using the Adventure Creator subtitles read the speech correctly.

    Thank you again for your help.  
  • The incorrect subtitles issue is also new to me, and could well be related - is that with the Ui In Scene method, or Prefab?

    If you have a workaround, then I'm glad, but I would still like to get the bottom of this.  Are you making use of AC's loading screen feature?
  • Both Ui Prefab & Ui Scene produced the "Hi!" dialogues.  Adventure Creator subtitles did not.

    I am not using the loading screen feature for this project.  
  • So when converting everything to the Adventure Creator subtitles menus, I noticed in the "Label Text:" box a simple "Hi!" just sitting there.  I'm guessing that's what the prefab is pulling for some reason? 
  • That's correct - but it should update with the correct text whenever it's displayed.  The user should never see the default "Hi" text, if you've set the Label Type to Dialogue Line.
  • I've discovered (and now fixed) an issue whereby Unity UI-based Menus wouldn't update to their correct text while fading if their Transition type is set to None when you change the Menu source to Adventure Creator.

    Random, I know, but could that be the cause of your "Hi!" dialogue issue?
  • It sounds like that is the issue.  I look forward to the next update!  Thank you for looking into this.
  • Hi,
    interestingly I have the same issue.
    If I select "Unity Ui in Scene", it works fine, but "Ui from Prefab" doesn't work.

    The Ui is there in my Title Menu, but locked(as I want it), when I start a new scene through an ActionList the Inventory Ui  is being deleted.

    I tried to solve it by turning the inventory on in my "onstart" cutscene but without success. My guess is, that the prefab reference (is this the right term?) is lost or something. 

    If I start directly from the respective Scene, it works perfect.

    I don't know. 

    For the time being I will use the workaround but it would be really good if this is going to work in the future.

    I also have some issue with a cutscene which gets stuck when you want to skip it. But only if I enter the Scene through an action list. If I start directly from the Scene within, everything works like expected.

    If you need further Information, I will try to provide it.

    Anyway, you did a fantastic job on Ac, I really like it! Just to tell you.

    Best Regards

  • Deleted, as in the Inventory UI is no longer in the scene?  Is the InventoryUI stored outside of the scene before running the game?  Yes please, provide as many details / screenshots as you can.

    I'll also need more detail about the skipping cutscene issue - particularly the Cutscene itself.  Please post in a new thread.
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