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Easiest way to make a NPC rotate at each node on a path

So I have a guy walking around and stopping at each node for a second or two, I want him to rotate and look at a screen for example each time, but without building an elaborate path that makes him walk around lots to simply face an object. Whats the easiest way to achieve this ?


  • Have you tried defining a "Cutscene on reach" for each node you want him to stop?  If the linked Cutscene has a GameObject parameter, you can assign it as the Character who's on it.
  • No I have not tried that, I think thats one I asked for ages ago lol, now im back to realising why! Will try thanks!!
  • And is there a way to make an NPC pause for a moment when he reaches a node? I have an NPC follow a path set to 'random'.  I want him to pauze for a second whenever he reaches one of the points, but cannot figure out how.  
  • You have two options: either use a Cutscene on reach that contains a single Engine: Pause game Action, or set the Wait time (s) in the Path properties box to non-zero.
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